Friday, April 1, 2011

Mini computers

First released in the 1960's . mini computers got their name because of their small size compared to other computers of the day. the capabilities of a minicomputer are some where between mainframes and personal computers. Like main frames , mini computers can handle much more input and output  than personal computers can. although some "minis" are designed for a single user, most are designed to handle multiple terminals. the most powerful minicomputers can serve the input and output needs of hundreds of users at a time.

Mini computers, such as the one shown in the figure above. are commonly used as servers in the network environments that handle  the data sharing needs of other computers on the network . dozens or hundreds of personal computers can be connected to a network with a minicomputers acting as a server. Like mainframes, midrange computers are used more and more as web servers, handling thousands of transactions per day. single - user mini computers are commonly applied to sophisticated design tasks, such as animation and video editing. Mini computers cost  anywhere from $18000 to $500,000 and are ideal for many organizations and compies that cannot afford or do not need a mainframe system.
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