Friday, April 1, 2011

Desktop Models

The First style of personal computer introduced was the desktop model. In common usage , the term desktop system means a full size computer that is small enough to be used at a desk but too big to carry around. Traditionally a desktop computer's main case is horizontally oriented, meaning it can lie flat on a desk or table.
A variation of the desktop system is the tower model. where the system unit sits vertically and has more vertically and has more space for devices. Because of its design, the system unit is often placed in the floor to preserve desk space, allowing more room to place external components, such as removable disk drives or scanners, on the desktop.

Tower models have become increasingly popular in recent years - so much so that some PC makers have stopped offering horizontally oriented desktop system.

Personal computers can cost anywhere from $600 to $7500, depending on the capabilities and capacity. The most popular models cost between $1000 and $3000. The tremendous growth and potenial of the pc market has brought many manufactures into this arena.

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1 comment:

  1. The HP Pavilion MS225 is an entry level all-in-one model that is designed for casual PC users who are looking to purchase a stylish machine for their home or workplace. This desktop has an AMD Athlon II 250u dual-core processor, 4GB of DDR2 Ram and 320GB (7200RPM) for storage. These set of specs may not be sufficient to handle heavy computing tasks, but it will prove more than enough for running common tasks like surfing the web, running MS applications, watching streaming movies and checking emails.

    STC Technologies
