Thursday, March 24, 2011


Supercomputers are the most powerful computers made and physically they some of the largest. These systems are built to process huge amount of data and the faster supercomputers can perform more than 1 trillion calculations per second. some supercomputers - such as the Cray'T90 system -can house thousands of processors. This speed and power make supercomputers ideal for handling large and highly complex problems that require extreme calculating power.

Scientist and engineers frequently build models of complex processes, then simulate the processes on a supercomputer. These computers help analyze and forecast global weather patterns, for example, while shedding light on related issues such as pollution, global warming and the depletion of the earth's ozone layer. Nuclear scientist use supercomputers to create and analyze models of nuclear fission and fusion, predicting the actions and reactions of millions of atoms as they interact.
Supercomputers are also being used to map the human genome, or DNA structure. The Human Genome project, for example, uses supercomputing resources around the world in the hope of discovering all the human genes. scientist estimate there are from 80,000 to 100,000 human genes, made up of more than 3 billion chemical bases. If printed, th ehuman DNA sequence would fill about 200,000pages.
Supercomputers can cost tens of millions of dollars and consume enough electricity to power dozens of homes. They are often housed in protective rooms with special cooling systems, power protection, and other security features . Because of their size and cost , supercomputers are relatively used only by large corporations, universities and government agencies that can afford them. Supercomputing resources are often shared to give researchers access to these precious machines.

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